Monday 10 December 2012

The Worst Date Ever

So for our date The Second took us on a romantic stroll through The Path.

Unfortunately along the way we were stopped by a "friend".

The god damn Rake was standing in the middle of The Path.

He was smiling at us.

The Second shoved me behind him as he faced the creature.

The Second: "How did you get here?!"

The Second: "This is The Master's domain!"

The Second: "You can't be here!"

The Rake laughed.

The Rake: "I had my new ally bring me here."

At that someone suddenly grabbed me from behind and pulled me back I felt a gun press against my back.

The Second turned and his eyes flared angrily and black temporarily.

The Second: "Xerox what are you doing?!"

I couldn't see who was holding me but apparently it was Xerox.

Me: "You didn't kill him?!"

A sharp intake of breath came from right behind my head.

Xerox: "You wanted him to kill me you bitch?!"

The gun jabbed hard into my spine but The Rake made a sound and Xerox calmed.

The Second: "He's not being controlled..."

The Rake laughed again.

The Rake: "Why would I need to control him."

The Rake: "You did well enough turning him to my side on your own."

The Second: "You despise being just a pawn for The Master so you join with The Rake?"

The Second: "Trading apathy for contempt is not a wise choice."

The Second: "You're stupider than I thought."

Xerox: "It's not too smart insulting the guy who has a gun pressed against your girlfriend's spine either!"

The Second: "The Master won't let her die here."

The Second: "You idiots have put yourselves in his domain."

The Second: "His power."

Xerox: "The Master can't do a thing cause I'm looking at him right now!"

Xerox: "That's right Lisa. You're little boy toy there is in fact The Master."

Xerox: "How's it feel to know you banged a monster?"

The Second laughed.

The Second: "If I'm The Master then who's that behind you."

Xerox turned dragging me around as well and The Master was standing there looming over us.

I heard Xerox make a choked whimpering noise.

The Rake: "No! Keep your eyes-"

Xerox was suddenly torn off of me and I turned in time to see The Second shove a knife into his face.

He turned and placed his hand on my chest just as The Rake lunged at us.

Then we were both standing in my room.

He looked at where his hand was and then pulled it away.

The Second: Sorry...

I was too shocked by what had just happened to care.


  1. Nothing like a homicidal Fear and his traitorous minion to spoil a romantic evening. Perhaps you should try a picnic on the roof, staring at the stars. I'm sure Second could show you how to find a few constellations.


  2. I'm sorry but I laughed at the end.

  3. Oh! Did he start growing claws? Was his arms distended? Was his skin turning an unnatural white?

    Such potential for knowledge.
