Thursday 30 August 2012

A new question.

Why so long?

Why wait until december to do something?

What is intended to happen before this time?

How does The Second fit into this.?

Why couldn't they just have a regular proxy bring me to "The Aged Path"?

Oh also guess what.

Apparently I'm going to be going on a mission with a squad tomorrow.

Apparently they decided having a non proxy would be helpful but wouldn't tell me why.

Oh well...

Wednesday 29 August 2012


I'm the only one here today.

The second went out with a squad and pretty much everyone else is out as well.

There are maybe three people still here.

Lying in bed listening to the song my blog is based around and doing some thinking.

I hate when people use specific wording.

It always makes me paranoid.

He said your life will end.

He didn't say I'd die.

I can't stop thinking about that.

Maybe it's just wishful thinking...

I mean obviously I'd prefer almost anything to dying.

Although the only other possible meaning of your life will end is becoming something else and that's kind of scary as well.

I don't want to be a proxy and I don't want to be a monster.

Btw The aged path is almost certainly The Path of Black Leaves right?

Cause that's another thing bothering me.

Again with the specific wording.

I wonder if running away will void my protection...

It's not explicitly in the rules...

Although the whole reason I came here was because running was pointless.

Fuck I'm just going to listen to my music till someone comes back.

Monday 27 August 2012

Oh right I have this blog...

So yeah sorry it took so long to update...

Some interesting things happened on our last date.

First interesting thing he apologized.

We were in the theater watching some stupid movie about 3 guys on a train in India.

The guy running the projector recommended it and said it was a great comedy.

Lying bastard...

I think The Second might have killed him after but I don't know...

I wouldn't be surprised...

More alarmingly I wouldn't be upset >.>


What was I talking about?

Oh yeah he apologized.

He said he was sorry for the way he's been acting recently.

He said he's been a bit of a dick and he's sorry.

My response was that people act stupid when they're in love.

I expected a denial or argument.

I had been hoping for one.

Instead he just nodded.

He nodded...

That's practically an admission.

Anyways after that he said he'd let me ask more questions which he would answer honestly.

Of course only if they were questions he could answer.

So I asked the same question I tried to ask last time.

How did he cure me.

He said he couldn't answer that.

I asked a question that had been bugging me.

"What actually happened to Calvary?"

Apparently Calvary was performing unsatisfactorily and so The Second took them all into the woods and killed him and two other squad members in a way befitting The Master.

I jokingly asked if he ripped them apart and stuck their organs in trees.

He said yes.

After overcoming shock I asked "Well if all that happened was a couple of murders why were they so shell shocked after.

I mean they're proxies they must be used to this kind of stuff.

His response was that there was a little more than just that but he can't tell me.

He also told me not to ask Xerox since he's been sworn to secrecy on penalty of death and of course he pretty much hates me anyways.

The other squad members were also sworn to secrecy but he doubted it would be an issue anyways since attempting to ask them about it would probably cause them to become catatonic.

We sat in silence for a bit after that then I asked the big question.

I didn't expect an answer but I asked anyways.

"What does the master have planned for me?"

This is where the second surprising thing happened.

He told me.

He said: On the date in question I am too bring you to the aged path. There you will see the truth and meet The Master. There your life will end.

I asked him why.

Because you interest him.

I didn't get anymore than that.

The movie ended shortly after and we left.

As we were heading home he stopped and gave me a quick kiss with no explanation or reason I can tell.

For some reason I didn't stop him or complain.

Looking back I still don't think I would have.

I must be tired.


Friday 24 August 2012

The Second

Has apparently decided to pretend our little conversation earlier didn't happen.

Good choice.

I'll play along.

He asked if I wanted to go see a movie.

I asked what movie.

He said he'd make sure they were playing whatever I want to see.

I feel like a mob bosses girlfriend.

I'm not his girlfriend...

Anyways so we're going out to the movies and then dinner.

Yes I realize I'm giving him another chance.

Why shouldn't I?

Because he's an ass?

That is a pretty good reason...

Oh well...

Ok so completely cured.

I'm up and walking around now.

Oh and I asked The Second.

He lied to me...


He's really not a good liar.

He told me had no idea what had happened.

About an hour later he asked if I'd ever be willing to go on another date with him.

I responded that maybe as long as we didn't enter the path again.

Then he said that the cure should have also made me immune to the effects of the path.

I pointed out that this contradicted what he said earlier.

He merely shrugged and made up some bullshit story about having to go help out some of the other proxies.

There is so much wrong with this guy...

So many obvious lies and contradictions.

Weirdly enough and this is going to sound cliche as hell but I think all the mystery surrounding him is making him...

Slightly less repellant.

What did you think I'd say attractive?

Not without a keg of hard liquor.

Tuesday 21 August 2012

I'm alive and calling bullshit on the universe.

I'm experiencing a miraculous recovery.

Symptoms disappearing.

Fever's down to a more normal 102.

and all because of the stupidest bullshit ever.

He kissed me and now I'm cured.


Fucking seriously?!

He was lying with me, I think, I was kind of out of it, and he started talking quickly.

I don't know exactly what he was saying but probably more shit about how it was all his fault then he grabbed me by the shoulders turned me toward him and kissed me on the lips.

Worst part was a hallucination started up at that exact moment and for a few seconds I thought I was kissing The Master himself.

That... That was a disturbing moment.

Then he lay me back on the bed and I drifted off to sleep.

When I woke up I was feeling much better.

Probably be up and about in no time.

I should really be happy I'm still human and not dead but really I am just completely pissed.

Reality does not work like fairytales damn it!

You can't just cure the princess from some evil spell with a kiss.

It just... It doesn't...

Shouldn't work like that...

God damn I'm so pissed.

Monday 20 August 2012

His fault.

It appears I might be dying.

It's The Second's fault apparently.

At least he thinks it is.

He says that it's entirely possible that I caught some kind of disease from being in The Path of Black Leaves.

He doesn't know for sure but it does sound plausible.

I mean maybe The proxies are protected somehow by what The Master does to them when they become servants but I had no such protection and it's possible that The Path has some kind of inhuman diseases or something.

Or maybe just the nature of the path itself.

I brought up that I'm not the only non servant to be in the path.

He said that it might not effect everyone or might have been concentrated at the beach or the other just got lucky or wasn't in there long enough to contract the disease.

Oh and if I seem to be taking the news of my impending death rather well I'm really not.

I am in fact just incredibly heavily doped on pills at the moment.

Oh and you probably thought of it as well.

Maybe becoming a proxy would save me

I'd rather die.

The others brought that up as well and I told them the same.

The Second is staying near me at all times now.

The rest are carrying on business as usual though.

Most of them are probably glad I'll be gone.

Can't blame them I guess.

Oh and for those interested.

Current symptoms of Black Leaf Disease:



-Restless sleep

-Unnaturally high fever (207 degrees atm. No I'm not kidding. Yes I am aware I should be dead.

-Unnaturally cold to the touch (Supernatural disease contradicts itself... Of course.)


-Occasional nosebleeds



-Loss of balance

-Occasional memory loss

and finally

-randomly slipping into another language that no one understands. (The Second claims not to understand but has accidentally responded to a question asked in that language twice.)

So no telling how much longer I have.

R.I.P. Lisa Siles

Bye all possibly forever.

Wednesday 15 August 2012

How in the hell did I let this happen?

I woke up this morning with The Second sleeping in the bed beside me.

What is even the hell?

I mean he was dressed and I was still in my pjs but still.

How in the hell did I let him fall asleep beside me.

How the hell did he think I'd be okay with him sleeping with me?

Not like that though...

I tried to get out of the bed but apparently this sickness is affecting my motor skills as I merely fell flat on my face.

Moe unfortunately the fall alerted someone outside.

Xerox enters the room and helps me back into the bed.

He gave me a look upon noticing the second then walked out smiling.

I am not happy.

I am going to give the Second so much shit when he wakes up.

Monday 13 August 2012


Sorry about that last post.

I hadn't updated in a while and had decided to try and update regardless...

Unfortunately I was a little out of it at the time.

I seem to be sick.

I cough a lot and have been falling in and out of lucidity.

I'm bed ridden in my room and The Second has been keeping me company and tending to my needs.

He lay next to me in the bed and read me a book last night it was so sweet.

He reminded me of my father...

Which is strange cause he's my boyfriend and that would be weird.

I mean he's not my boyfriend.

He's also not my father.

I think I'm going to take another nap.

What are you smirking about?

Sunday 12 August 2012

A break.

Sorry I don't know.

I think it's been a few days now.

I haven't updated you on what's happening.

Nothing is happening.

I've been just sleeping all day.

God I can't think straight.

Thursday 9 August 2012

Night on the town.

The Second woke me up today.

Got to say...

That was kind of terrifying.

He was nice but seemed in a rush.

Didn't give me much time to get up or get ready.

Also didn't give me much time to get changed.

I did mention that I bought new clothes right?

Probably well now it's been said twice.

As soon as I got out of the bathroom dressed he grabbed my hand and "escorted" (Read: Dragged) me out of my apartment and the building.

A few minutes later we were at a Beach.

I told him I wasn't aware there was a beach nearby.

He said there wasn't.

He also said he wouldn't recommend swimming.

It was too cold to swim anyways.

I mean unnaturally cold.

Also dark.

The sand was a shallow grey colour.

Corpse gray would be the best way to describe it I guess.

The water was almost black and the sky was...

Well it had been morning earlier now it looked like night.

Actually the sky almost seemed like a giant black light now that I think about it.

It was creepy.

Somehow though it was also very romantic.

The Second still creeped me the fuck out though.

I mean no amount of romantic dates will make me like him.

We sat on the beach for a while.

He'd brought some breakfast stuff.

The sand was cold and felt more like water than sand.

We didn't speak as we ate and watched the water.

There were no waves.

Afterwards we talked a little.

I learned a bit about him.

Nothing I'm allowed to say and nothing interesting anyways but still it's something.

Then he took me back to the apartment and left.

Obviously I had suspicions about that beach but it was only on the trip back that I confirmed we had been somewhere in The Path of Black Leaves.

Apparently it's not just a path.

Apparently there's a weird, creepy yet beautiful beach there too.

Tuesday 7 August 2012

Obligatory title because I refuse to go titleless.

Nothing much has happened lately.

Blogging now mostly out of boredom.

I'm staying in my room more often now.

It seems like now that I'm here there's nothing to do.

I've been avoiding the second for reasons I'm not entirely sure of.

Ever since the xerox thing though and the story he just seems frightening and dangerous.

Like master like servant I guess.

Actually exactly like master.

He gives off the same vibe his master gave off when I saw him in my room.

You know it's strange.

That first time I met... Er The Master I wasn't frightened.

I was awestruck.

He seemed so cool.

I mean I watched him murder someone right in front of me but felt no fear just awe.

I still think of him mostly as something awesome but now I also realize he's something wrong.

Something frightful.

I once went looking for... Fuck it... I once went looking for The Slender Man because I thought he would come for me.

I had no intention of bowing or fighting or dying.

My only intention was seeing him again and feeling that awe I had once felt.

Then I saw him again and now all I can feel is fear.

What changed?

Is it just that now I am a target?

Am I a target?

If not what am I?

As much as I don't want to I can't keep avoiding The Second.

Monday 6 August 2012

Background Check

Most of my time has been spent with The Second Recently.

However today he went out with Xerox's group on a mission.

So I took the time to ask about him.

Mostly I asked "Master's second what?"

The answer was...


The answer was no one knows.

Apparently the first time he ever appeared he was carrying an envelope which simply said.

"This is The Master's Second. You will do whatever he says and give him whatever he asks."

It was signed with a crudely drawn operator symbol.

The group he had come upon mostly refused and some threatened him so he left.

The next day The Master appeared and those who had denied The Second were punished.

Actually the proxy who told me this said they were fired "Proxy Style".

When I asked what he meant he said it was merely his little joke and explained they had each been hung from a tree by their ankles above a bonfire.

They were slowly cooked to death.

Since then everyone has just followed The Second's demands without question.

Like I said interesting.

He came back about an hour ago.

The leader of Xerox's group, A guy named Calvary, apparently died on the mission and Xerox is now leader of that group.

When asked how he died neither The Second or Xerox answered and the others in the group merely paled and kept their heads down.

Going to sleep now.

Saturday 4 August 2012

Just woke up.

It's nice to of finally got some actual sleep.

Feels so much more refreshed.

So, I should finish telling you guys what happened with the closet.

At some point the door opened and there were a couple of people standing there.

The guy in the middle took my attention and almost made me scream.

See my eyes were kind of adjusted to the darkness and so the sudden light made everything sort of blurry.

As such I found myself looking up at a white blurry head staring down at me with a black suit.

As I said I almost screamed.

Luckily before I did my eyes adjusted and I realized it was just a normal size man with white dyed hair and an incredibly pale face.

He leaned down and helped me out gently.

My legs felt like rubber and I could hardly stand so I ended up leaning against him.

He spoke soothingly into my ear.

Saying things about how he's sorry for what the proxies did to me and he would have let me out sooner if he had known.

He also said if I wanted he would make sure they were all punished.

None of this registered at first but eventually I started thinking more rationally and I realized the proxies were all looking at him with fear.

It took me a bit more to realize this was the important person they had locked me in the closet for.

Apparently Spinder had let slip that I was in the closet and he had immediately demanded that I be let out.

Apparently I am The Master's Chosen and I am to be treated with respect.

I quite like this guy.

I assured him that punishment would not be necessary and the proxies all seemed relieved.

Yeah you bastards owe me now.

So I've been given a direct list of what I am allowed to do and what I'm not allowed to do.

Apparently as long as I follow these rules I am a proxy in all but name and deeds and to be treated as one of the master's agents.

If I break these rules this protection is immediately stripped and they can do whatever they like with me.


Not going to break the rules.

So anyways about this important person.

I'm not allowed to say his name or his official title.

I don't know either of these anyways though.

All I know is he explained to me he was The Master's Second.

Second what I don't know.

I assume second proxy.

Does this mean he's the second proxy ever created or that he's second in charge?

If second in charge is that under the charge of a first or directly under The Slender Man himself?

I don't know any of these things.

What I do know though is that as soon as I recovered my legs I went to my room started charging my laptop and intended to go to bed.

Instead he stopped me and told me I could sleep as long as I want later but first we need to talk.

Next thing I know we're at a candlelight restaurant eating and he's asking me questions about myself and avoiding questions about himself.

In other words I'm pretty sure I was just taken out on a date by The Master's Second.

After that I came back posted last night and flopped into bed.

So, yeah...

Back from a dark place.

So they finally let me out.

Let's see...


Time is sort of weird.

When you have no way to keep track.

No mornings or night.

No way to tell if there was a pattern in when food is given.

You can easily lose track of time.

Let's see my last post was apparently...

The 27th of July.

It's the 3rd almost 4th of august.


8 days locked in a closet.

More actually...

July 27th was when the battery died but I'm pretty sure I had been in there for a day or two already by then...

The 25th...

That's 10 days.

Ten days locked in a god damn closet.

Eight of those without anything to occupy my time.

I couldn't even sleep because of how cramped the place was.

I'd doze off and something would twinge and I'd wake up in pain.

Or one time I fell asleep against that damn suit and almost suffocated on the plastic lining.

Well obviously I did manage to get to sleep a bit.

Not much though...

Probably only about 15-27 hours spaced out over the days.

Yes that's a wide margin but like I said hard to keep track of time especially hard to tell how long you've been asleep.

I spent most of my waking hours thinking.

Mostly of how painfully I could kill everyone in this damned building.

While I was in there I wanted nothing more than to gut every last one of them.

Now that I'm out that desire is gone.

I'm back to being, mostly, non-violent.

This may just be my normal state and the angry murderous Lisa was just a result of sleep deprivation and sensory deprivation and isolation and quite a few other tortures I imagine.

It may also be because of what happened when I was let out.

Also why I was let out.

Right now though I'm tired.

Like really tired.

Going to go pass out now.

Also just cause I don't intend to murder anyone anymore doesn't mean this event won't result in a dramatic spike in my passive aggressive attempts to annoy, and otherwise be a detriment to, the proxies who live here.

Night night.