Monday 20 August 2012

His fault.

It appears I might be dying.

It's The Second's fault apparently.

At least he thinks it is.

He says that it's entirely possible that I caught some kind of disease from being in The Path of Black Leaves.

He doesn't know for sure but it does sound plausible.

I mean maybe The proxies are protected somehow by what The Master does to them when they become servants but I had no such protection and it's possible that The Path has some kind of inhuman diseases or something.

Or maybe just the nature of the path itself.

I brought up that I'm not the only non servant to be in the path.

He said that it might not effect everyone or might have been concentrated at the beach or the other just got lucky or wasn't in there long enough to contract the disease.

Oh and if I seem to be taking the news of my impending death rather well I'm really not.

I am in fact just incredibly heavily doped on pills at the moment.

Oh and you probably thought of it as well.

Maybe becoming a proxy would save me

I'd rather die.

The others brought that up as well and I told them the same.

The Second is staying near me at all times now.

The rest are carrying on business as usual though.

Most of them are probably glad I'll be gone.

Can't blame them I guess.

Oh and for those interested.

Current symptoms of Black Leaf Disease:



-Restless sleep

-Unnaturally high fever (207 degrees atm. No I'm not kidding. Yes I am aware I should be dead.

-Unnaturally cold to the touch (Supernatural disease contradicts itself... Of course.)


-Occasional nosebleeds



-Loss of balance

-Occasional memory loss

and finally

-randomly slipping into another language that no one understands. (The Second claims not to understand but has accidentally responded to a question asked in that language twice.)

So no telling how much longer I have.

R.I.P. Lisa Siles

Bye all possibly forever.

1 comment:

  1. Not that I'm complaining but what exactly is your issue with becoming a proxy?
