Friday 13 July 2012

It's not you. It's me.


I knocked the guy out one last time and, well I guess I'm too caring.

I decided to dump him out near the proxy building to be sure he'd be found.

This was undoubtedly reckless and stupid but surprisingly no one seemed to sot me or at least no one did anything that would let me realize I had been spotted.

Either way I took the most roundabout way I could to get back to my new living quarters and took a couple of extra steps to try and shake off anyone who might have been following.

I am an amateur though so it's always possible I could have been tracked. Keeping anything that would make a good weapon close by at all times from now on.

Will continue my primary mission as soon as I feel things have reasonably calmed down.


  1. Or, you know, they were happy to see him back and gave you a free pass on this one. Either ways. You might want to keep that steak knife out of the sink from now on, dear.

    1. Yeah.

      Definitely keeping weapons on hand at all times now.

  2. I'm curious whose orders they were acting on when they sent a guy after you. We serve the master but we are autonomous without orders.

    Master may still have no idea you even exist.

    1. Well hopefully the interest in me is at most just Xerox's group.

      Probably just thinking I'm some idiot who they can easily deal with.

      Of course I say hopefully since if I have either the entire area or god forbid country or something knowing about me I'm pretty sure I'm screwed.

    2. Always plan for the worst.
