Thursday, 12 July 2012

Time is unreliable.

Sorry it's been a while.

Been busy trying to find a good place to stay and interrogate this guy.

I've been keeping him unconscious with injections of knockout chemicals.

I recently finally found a good place.

Not saying where and let him wake up then I began the interrogation.

It... Did not go well.

See there was one small problem.

The bastard's a mute.

He literally couldn't tell me anything if he wanted to.

I could get him to type or write out his answers but I'm not secure enough in my abilities to be willing to free his hands even slightly.

So anyways.

This was a bust and I still have proxies after me.

Also I have no idea what to do with this guy.


  1. Feed him pudding?
    Your only real options are to kill him or dope him out again and dump him somewhere.

    Or if you are feeling extra crazy you could keep him as a pet.

    My instincts say kill him. You, however, strike me as something with a soul though.

    1. Yeah murdering him would not be preferable.

      Although I'm worried that letting him go would merely see him killing me at a later date.

      Gonna have to figure out something.

    2. Your killing him won't stop them from sending more people.
      I'd sooner by the hand of someone with a grudge.

      So much more personal.

  2. I'm going to have to agree with the Angry Bird here. Depending on what kind of a person you are, you either kill him, dump him to either be found by his coworkers or die-- or keep him. It's all on what your conscience can handle, dear.

  3. I guess I'll dump him somewhere and take my chances.

    1. That's preferred. Again, remember that they're people, yes?

    2. Of course. I wouldn't have even stabbed him if I had another option at the time.

      I have no desire to kill or hurt any humans.

    3. And you stabbed him with a butterknife at that. Yeeh. I'll sure as hell give you points for creativity/resourcefulness.

      Well, you know-- that's admirable, not wanting to hurt anyone. It makes you a good person, once the shitstorm's cleared.

    4. Thank you.

      I had intended on a steak knife but it was apparently currently in the sink.

      Not sure why though.

      Pretty sure up until that moment I hadn't required the use of it.

      One of life's little mysteries I guess.

      Not wanting to hurt people is what makes me human.

  4. How about instead of killing him, you give him a nice cup of tea, let him go, everyone's happy and we can drop this whole murdering/kidnapping thing? Eh? No? Well it was worth a shot.

    1. I would love that.

      and if you could honestly assure me that he would be willing to forget the whole murder kidnapping thing I'd happily do so.

    2. I was not planning to trust said offer.

      The second part of the comment being my reason why.

      I can say with almost complete certainty that she could not assure me of that.
