Wednesday 7 November 2012

New Digs

Ok so a bit about my new location.

The Second has moved me to a much larger headquarters.

Don't know where exactly.

I've been stuck inside since we got here.

All I know is apparently it's a place where The Master's influence is much much stronger and so I should be much better protected here.

Unfortunately for some reason The Second is also not known here and doesn't want to be so we're going incognito.

We're just two proxies as far as they know.

A newbie and a more senior proxy assigned to help the newbie learn the ropes.

So the good news it means I'm treated somewhat nicer.

Bad news:

No protection so I have to be really careful not to piss any one off.

Not allowed to leave the premises without The Second or another higher Proxy.

Oh also we got fake names...

I've always liked Fake Names...

Like Lisa for instance.

Not my real name.

Only now I have a proxy name too...

I'm called Hama apparently.

The Second is called Ladua.

I thought it sounded stupid.

The Second explained that it was another language and just means The Second.

Now I think it's completely stupid but regardless we're stuck with these names now because The Second already introduced us as such.

So stuck here pretending to be a proxy to hide from The Rake until the day comes where I will apparently not die but my life will somehow end...

Insert an irritated sigh here.



  1. Ooooh! You are very close to me now! This should be interesting...


    1. I'm sure it will be...

      Assuming I actually meet you somehow.

      I mean I guess anyone who reads this would recognize The Second from my description and thereby recognize me...

      But still unlikely.

    2. Well....just look for a black and blue hoodie. Preferably with the hood up.

      That should be me. Unless that idiot Iota tries to wear one again...

    3. I think you misunderstood...

      I'd prefer not to find you.

    4. Aww, that hurts. It's not like I'm going to HURT you or anything. Or just suddenly start laughing like a man who's lost literally everything.

      The only thing that worries me is that the weakling would gain control during our conversation. But knowing how much support he's been getting over me, you'd probably prefer that.

      Besides, I'd love to have a friendly chat with The Second.

    5. I'm always up for a friendly chat.

      ~The Second

  2. The monsters that you should fear most look just like us, my dear "Lisa."

    You know, your situation is almost enviable. What better way to test your abilities than to be let loose in this jungle, where a single misspoken word could mean your demise? Your charade hangs by a thread, and the cornered wolf always shows its fangs. I wonder what we'll learn about you next?

    If you survive...You should become a most intriguing person. I'll be watching.

    1. I've mostly just stayed to myself and only talked to The Second.

      If I misspeak it's generally chalked up to my newbie status.

      I think I'm doing well on that front though.

      The more dangerous part is identifying which ones are normal people and which ones are psycho's I should avoid.

      IE: I liked Swan but I'd prefer not to meet someone like him in person.

  3. What is the significance of your assigned name exactly? Hama. Did you even think to ask?

    1. I did.

      He said it was a spell in a video game.

      He then started laughing and the subject got changed.

      I think he was just being weird.

    2. How very foretelling. I may be starting to understand why so many parties are interested in you.

    3. Is that supposed to be as ominous as it seemed?

    4. Absolutely. More so probably. I can never seem to quite nail my dramatics right.

  4. Welp your in deep shit now, at least I'm not the only one going "incognito" now, everyone just loves using the word "anonymous", never understood why really, not the point.

    The point however is, be careful not to turn into one of them, I see that a couple of gents below me are getting a good hard on about finding out that you are going into their bases to live, having emotions towards one of them, now pretending to be one of them, not saying you might betray yourself there, but it did happen sometimes, simple reminder.

    - Mr. Incognito.

    1. I think I'm fine in that regard.

      I'm not the only one watching to make sure I stay me after all.
