Monday 26 November 2012


I had meant to post more yesterday but I couldn't.

So instead I'll continue now with my thoughts on the event.

First and most obviously:

What the fuck happened?

I mean Xerox comes back.

Obviously it's not going to be a super happy moment considering but still...

That should have been a good thing.

But then everything went to hell...

He was right of course.

He deserved to be pissed...

That speech though and the reaction to it...

I'm sure I missed another chance to find out his secret.

The proxies won't talk about it and I don't know where Xerox went.

The things that were said...

I don't think the proxies like us much now and I can't blame them...

I'm not even sure how I feel about it...

When he said that I was unimportant I felt hurt...

Really really hurt...

I can only imagine how Xerox felt and the rest of the proxies...

I've been in my room since just thinking about things... 

Another thought that came into my mind was how close I had been...

Xerox almost said something extremely important I'm sure of it...

and again I'm sure if I had just been able to turn my head I'd of seen the truth...

I hate now knowing...


Xerox is probably dead...

It just occurred to me.

He almost revealed the secret.

The Second wouldn't let him live after that...



That realization is making me cry...


  1. Like he said. We're expendable. Other's are just less expendable then others. For instance,

    Veigar is MUCH less expendable than most of the proxys' in that facility. You, The Second, and most of the higher ups are even less than him though.

    And Xerox?.........yeah......

    He was kind of an asshole in the first place....

    1. I wonder where I rank on the expendability chart.

    2. Higher than Xerox but lower than me. Not much lower though.

      Too clarify when I said you were unimportant I meant in the longterm. You're important for this plan. If you die after the plan or before it though. It would be only a minor inconvenience.

      However just because you're not important to the master doesn't mean you're not important to me.

      ~The Second

    3. Such relative terms. That's like comparing a bee to an ant. You could be the most expendable pawn in the world. That does not mean you won't out last the least expendable pawn. Because they are both pawns and at the end of the day, all the pieces go back in the box.

    4. Slendy controls the strings.. question is..

      How much will he play with YOUR string?

    5. That almost sounds like an innuendo...

    6. Such a dirty girl. Always have your mind in the gutter.

  2. I just bet that the Second is the Master. I mean after all, it didn't sound like he did some kind of ritual to summon Slendy when the Rake was attacking with the proxies, and he does have a secret as is obvious. Maybe on that date you won't be you, you'll be like his wife or something? One theory (I think it's one of the surgist things) is that Slendy can show a face, just not on camera, and gains the trust of his victims. Heck, all in all, you'll probably wind up with azoth in your gut.

    1. That's ridiculous.

      The Second can't be The Master.

      The Master doesn't have feelings.

      Besides The Second...


      Well he's not unnaturally tall...

      He's human...

      At least humaner than The Master.

      Besides The Master wouldn't fall in love with me.

      What would be the point.

      Besides becoming The Master's wife wouldn't end my life anymore than the rest of what's happened so I doubt that's what it was referring to...

      Also that would be horrible and now you have me imagining that and ugh...

    2. Nice try and good guess.

      Unfortunately though... No I am not The Master.

      Although you're quite close. You are right I didn't summon The Master to fight The Rake.

      As well of course as is obvious by now I am not... Human... At least not entirely.

      Now shh... We don't want to spoil little Lisa with too much information...

      ~The Second

  3. @Fracture Guess what? A pawn can be 'more expendable' because of its position on the board. And besides, you wouldn't just throw away a pawn that could get the king in checkmate, but a random pawn that aint defending much can just take a hike.

    1. I had actually been intending to stay away from an outright chess metaphor using pawns as merely the term for unimportant peons. I guess the chess metaphor is just automatically applied though when you use the word pawn like that...

      My bad.

      However yes that could be described as exactly what I meant. Sometimes a pawn manages to end up in a spot that makes it far more important than it would be otherwise. Those pawns are likely to stay alive much longer than one who's in an inopportune or unimportant location.

    2. Oh dear it would seem I forgot to sign my comment again...

      I can only imagine what distracted me...

      ~The Second
