Sunday 25 November 2012

The Return

So some stuff has been happening.

Most notably Xerox is still alive.

He arrived at the headquarters yesterday night.

Apparently he and a few others had been busy helping the Second protect my friends and family and had therefore been spared from the slaughter.

He returned to find everyone dead and eventually found his way here.

He was not happy when we told him what had happened.

He remained silent for a few minutes after the story was explained to him.

When he finally spoke he sounded on the verge of tears.

Xerox: "So... You killed all of them?"

The Second: "Yes, I had to."

Xerox: "Really? You had too?"

Xerox: "There's nothing you ever have to do."

Xerox: "If you wanted too you could have gotten her away without killing anyone."

Xerox: "You just don't care."

Xerox: "Proxies aren't people to you. They are just things to use."

He turned on me.

Xerox: "And you? I bet you didn't even bat an eyelash over all the people that were killed to protect your worthless ass."

Xerox: "You don't care about us either but, you're even worse than him."

Xerox: "You see us as monsters. Everytime you hear about one of us die you probably cheer."

He started laughing here.

Xerox: "You don't care about us but you love him and he's-"

He stopped suddenly and the entire room went silent.

All the shadows in the room moved to enlarge The Second's making his shadow a tall ominous figure that left Xerox cowering within it.

I was watching Xerox.

The other proxies were all watching The Second.

I couldn't take my eyes away from the look of absolute terror on Xerox's face.

The Second: "You're right."

The voice was the same as on the video.

The voice that was The Second's but, seemed to be coming from someone else.

The Second: "I don't care about you. The Master doesn't care about you."

The Second: "You proxies are merely a group of ever renewable pawns to be sacrificed on his whim."

The Second: "You're not people. You are dogs of The Master. That is what you agreed to become when you joined him."

The Second: "You envy the favor The Master seems to show Lisa but even she is unimportant in the long run."

The Second: "Humans are not important. Only The Master himself is important."

The second: "Remember that."

The Second placed his hand on my shoulder.

I was shaking but stopped as his hand touched my shoulder.

He turned me away and walked me out of the room.

Behind me I heard the thump of something heavy falling.


  1. Oh come on, and here I thought one of these fools would actually grow a pair! It started out so majestically, Xerox standing up for he's "right's" and then suddenly abruptly stopping after seeing something "Horrifying". That is why I hate my "Colleagues" they are too afraid to bend the rules.

    As for what The Second said, he is completely right, we are nothing to him but mere pawns, amusement even, simple entertainment, that is why he keeps us alive, without us he'd be "dead", philosophically speaking of course.

    Yet I disagree that there is nothing but our Boss, I for example have higher priorities then our dear "Master", but in order to achieve them, I had to join he's side.

    You just have to know when your expendable, that is all the information you need when working for him ;).

    - Kelevra.

    1. If The Second is right you're always expendable.

    2. What really matters is how expendable you are compared to the other pawns.

      ~The Second

  2. Curious. Lisa dear, you pledged devotion to the second earlier didn't you?

    1. In some ways, no. In other ways......

      Might as well signed a death warrant.

    2. Ah...

      Thought you were The Second for...

      A second...

      Anyways scared me for a bit.

      The Second really shouldn't post as anonymous.

      So anyways who are you and why do you say that?

    3. A friend of certain two sided proxy you may or may not have seen around.

      Good things: You seem to genuinely love him, and vice versa. He protects you (lets face it. You tend to either almost be killed or raped when he's not around). And, he's a higher up. They hold many important secrets to this.

      Bad things: You kind of depend on, a lot (read last parenthesis). You have a LOT of emotional breakdowns around him. And the death warrant?

      Love may feel great while you have. But if you love them too much...

      Being torn away hurts ten times worse. Remember the deadline...

    4. You raise quite a few good points.

      Mostly the ones about how I seem to depend on him too much...

      I am pretty pathetic on my own...

      Part of me says I should try and get tougher but with the deadline approaching...

      On that note the dead line is always in the forefront of my mind...

    5. I'm sure it will come back up in a funny way. For me at least. I'm sure I'll be laughing.
