Friday 16 November 2012

What the hell did you do?!

The Second has disappeared again.

So has Phage.

Along with all the weapons confiscated from the supplier's warehouse.

The obvious theory is that those two stole the weapons and ran.

that seems kind of stupid for The Second so I don't believe that's what happened.

Of course everyone else believes it.

and since The Second and Phage are no where to be found they decided that before hunting down the traitors they'd take out the hapless girl one of the traitors brought with him.

The only reason I'm not dead right now is that something completely psychotic happened.

I'm sure The Second is responsible for this somehow.

Probably knew it would protect me but why not just take me with him in the first place damn it or better yet not do whatever the hell he's doing at all.

Anyways so this is what happened...

I woke up in the path.

Sort of...

Something has merged parts of the headquarters with the path.

The result is like trying to navigate through a labyrinth of constantly shifting laws of physics.

One minute a room is 4 feet long the next it's ten miles and a second later it's a mobius strip.

So this has made it almost impossible for them to catch me but has also made it almost impossible for me to know where the fuck anything is and I left the only weapon I have in the bathroom which could now be on the other side of the god damn country or at least an equivalent distance.

So they're having trouble catching me but I can't get to my weapon so have no way to defend myself if one of them manages to catch me.

Also I have a huge headache from the strangeness of walking through the same room three times each time with differing distances.

Although the mixture of forest and industrial building is a pretty cool aesthetic.


  1. I didn't want to make another post for this...

    As I sit in a room covered in black trees and a dirt path stretching through a wall a thought occurs.

    I was so broken up over killing that bastard but...

    I shot Spinder...

    She had sort of been a friend.

    I even had to listen to her dying breaths...

    I killed her because I had to but she was being controlled the weapon supplier was just an asshole so why did I feel horrible about killing him but not about killing Spinder who was much more deserving of my sympathy?

    I looked back over what I've done and I remembered an argument with Swan about proxies not being human...

    Do I really feel that way?

    Is that why I barely thought of killing Spinder but killing the weapon supplier brought me to tears?

    Do I still refuse to see proxies as human?

    1. Hmmm... cry over the double crossing arms dealer who tried to rape you but not for the more deserving proxy.

      Sounds prejudice.

      It's really telling of how you must really feel about the Second seeing how he is a proxy and clearly something far more inhuman than your stand proxy.

    2. It certainly does seem that way...

      Spinder was much more deserving of remorse than the weapons supplier.

      I guess I am prejudiced...

      I wish I wasn't but then again aside from The Second The only proxies I've really interacted with have: Tried to kill me, Locked me in a closet, pretended to be my friend while planning to kill me, Tricked me into helping them kill a bunch of people, Hated me or ignored me or were The Second.

      So yeah my track record with proxies isn't very good but still you're definitely right...

      I feel horrible...

    3. Lets take a look at the none proxies in your life.

      The arms dealer tried to rape you, the man you met at the bar tried to rape you, and your school friend from before you started on this little adventure of yours had completely given in to Mr. Whiskers (the Rake) and tried to manipulate you against the second (which totally worked) and when their little trap was foiled by the second she came back with a gun to shoot you.

      I'm not saying its wrong to be hate my kind, I'm just saying you might consider expanding your prejudices beyond JUST us.

  2. I almost flipped shit when a forest merged into my current room but.....

    It is pretty cool. Too bad I didn't get to talk to The Second though.


  3. What in the fuck? Why is this post empty? The title is there, but the rest is just empty dark background. I can see your and JP's comment, and I have no idea what JP is talking about, did your room merge with a forest or something?

    Since I can't see the post, I might as well express my thoughts on your comment. In my understanding, all people who do horrible things are not human, proxy, or not. If they commit horrible crimes, they are on my list of people to kill.

    Yet your situation is different, and that is truly a hard question and that might be true, or maybe you had a secret grudge on Spinder for something? Maybe secretly you hated Spinder, for something you can not remember. Overall, I say don't think about it, both of them deserved it.

    - Mr. Incognito.

    1. Here's the gist. The Second and Phage, along with all the weapons, are gone. The Second knew they would come for Lisa since he brought her there. When they tried something part of the complex (my room included) got fused partially with The Path of Black Leaves. So one second the wall is in your face and then the next farther than the eye can see, with variables in between of course. It may be irritating but it looks cool as hell.

    2. Hmmm that might explain why I can't see the post, probably when she posted it she was in the part of the fused area which is from another dimension and when she posted her comment, she was in the reality part, but it's a theory.

      And I bet it does, but I'm gonna pass on that trip.

      - Mr. Incognito.
