Sunday 28 October 2012

The Truth... Some of it at least.

I met The Second in his room.

It was just as bare as I remembered it being in The Video.

He was sitting in the center of the room.

He told me to sit opposite him.

"So what do you want to know?"



"Well first off that creature was called The Rake."

"It's sort of The Master's Rival"

Why did it refer to me as The Anomaly?

"Hmm... Well because you did something impossible."

What did I do?

"Sorry can't tell you yet."

Why is there no furniture in this room?

"I don't actually live here..."


"About the video..."

He looked nervous.

"I was actually summoning The Master."

You can do that?


So what else can you tell me about The Master's plan for me?

"You won't die."

That's good.

"Though as stated your life will end."

That's not so good...

Am I going to be made into a proxy or a hallowed or something?

"Not quite..."

What's going to happen then?

"Can't tell you."

Ok then...

"Would you like me to just tell you everything I can tell you at this point in time?"



"First off you actually caused all of this."

"Your attempt to find the Master drew his attention back to you."

"He had..."

"Well forgotten isn't the right word..."

"Not cared about you at all I guess would be the right way of putting it?"

"But then you pretty much forced your way into this world and..."

He looked nervous again.

"Well I guess this caused him to become interested in you."

"It's not every day people seek him out."

"I mean there have been people who've sought him out before but it's more usual for people to run away from him."

"I guess you're sort of a novelty."

"The Rake is probably interested in your for similar reasons."

"Though he wants you dead."

"In general The Master cares little for people."

"The Rake on the other hand has great interest in you creatures."

"Mostly he's interested in killing every last one of you in sadistic and gruesome ways."

"Also yes the Aged Path is in fact The Path of Black Leaves."

"Sort of..."

"I can't say anymore than that because that's my own personal surprise for you."

"Now then."

"I'm pretty sure those are all the questions I'm capable of answering at the moment."

"If you think of more or your commenters have questions of their own feel free to ask."

"Till then you should go to sleep."

"It's getting late."

He got up.

Walked over to me.

Lifted me to my feet.

"A kiss goodnight."

He kissed me and then everything after was a blur and I woke up this morning in my bed.

I feel both satisfied and cheated and I'm having trouble reconciling the two.


  1. So it is Fears, in your case its The Rake, I wonder if he really wants you dead. I mean The Second said so himself he and IT are rivals and apparently you have some sort of aspect to you, which interests the pale faced fuck greatly, so the question is, why would The Rake want to dispose of you, if he can use you against IT. Doesn't make sense, well to me at least.

    On the other subject, by God do I feel sorry for you, here you thought you were doing the right thing, going after IT, but in the end, you find out it was all for nothing. But honestly, it wasn't for nothing, upon going after it, you are gaining information, the information that can help me and many others, so it's a tricky question, depends on how you look at it I guess.

    -Mr. Incognito.

    1. Well as long as my evisceration serves to minutely help someone I guess that's fine then...

      Also just a thought but I'm not entirely ruling out that some of what The Second said may have been...

      Not a lie but a bit different from the truth.

      So he may have lied about The Rake's intentions.

    2. If that is so, then I wonder if this whole fall in love routine composed by him isn't a trick either, but that's more of a global question, I mean if we think like that, then we can sure as hell think that just maybe the Mr. Faceless is a really good friend of ours pulling a prank on us, or that we are all just psychopaths, see what I mean? Global question, so in the end, this comment had absolutely no purpose.

      Still I will post it, because it is a possibility.

      -Mr. Incognito.


    1. Depends whether I put you in there.

      ~The Second

    2. It was worth a shot....

      ....this beach mocks me.....
